Student Zone

Below are useful art material supplier links, links to inspiring artists and other resources any of my students might need.

Society of All Artists

British based online art material supplier. They sell everything and this is where I bulk buy watercolour paper. Im a PA member for them, so I get decent discounts from them.

Jackson's Art Supplies

Another good British art material supplier. At times, Jackson's can be a good bit cheaper than SAA and vice versa, so good to check both when after expensive materials.

Ken Bromley Art Supplies

Third and final all round British art material supplier I would recommend. Between these 3, you should be able fulfil all your needs.


Free to use and free licensed images and videos that can be used to create your own artworks. No worry about copyrights.

Georgia O'Keeffe

All my regular students know that this is my favourite all time artist. I love her style of painting, her reasons for it and the battles she went through in her younger years.

Franz Marc

Another one of my favourite artists. His work with colour and Cubist shape create stunning works of art. I specially love his animals as they live life through a riot of colour.