
Young Mum - Pencil on Watercolour paper

Self Portrait - Acrylic on Canvas

Mother - Soft pastel on Watercolour paper

There is something about creating a likeness of a person or animal, that I rarely feel is captured in a photograph.

Whether you think its the soul, passion, or just the time dedicated to it, often the art seems to stand the test of time better than a photograph.

I love to see these portraits come to life as I lose myself in their creation. It does not matter what medium is used, each has its own personality when finished.

Sally - Acrylic on Canvas

Millie - Graphite on cartridge paper

Norma's Arabs - Soft pastel on Sugar paper

Special Lady - Soft pastel on Sugar paper

Marie - Graphite on cartridge paper

David's Boy - Soft pastel on pastel paper

Instinct - Graphite on Cartridge paper

Jim - Graphite on Sugar paper

Sky - Acrylic on Canvas

Mick - Soft Pastels on Sugar paper

Zelia & Son - Graphite on Cartridge paper

Minky - Acrylic on Canvas

Surya & Freya - Acrylic on Canvas

Tash - Watercolour on Watercolour paper